2023-2024 Southern Oregon Cohort

Exploring the possibilities of playful inquiry for early learning classrooms and expanding Teaching Preschool Partners’ capacity to serve rural regions.

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Southern Oregon Inquiry and Inspiration Cohort 2023-2024

TPP has been working with school partners since 2014 to nurture inclusive, inquisitive, and collaborative school communities. Through regional partnerships, we have been growing our capacity to work in rural regions, knowing that our programming and the settings we have been working in need to be adapted to serve educators in these contexts.

The 2023-24 Southern Oregon Inquiry and Inspiration Cohort (SOIIC) aimed to empower educators across Southern Oregon’s rural communities to reimagine early childhood education through an asset-based, inquiry-driven approach. Focused on rural learning contexts, this cohort united educators from Douglas, Josephine, and Jackson Counties. Through professional development sessions, site visits, and collaboration, educators explored and practiced culturally responsive, joyful, and playful teaching strategies that actively engage children in their communities. This approach emphasized the importance of grounding educational experiences in the local community’s unique culture and needs, fostering learning environments where each child feels seen, heard, and valued.

In addition to professional growth, the SOIIC cohort built a vibrant network among educators, allowing them to share resources, discuss challenges, and support each other in implementing sustainable educational practices. The cohort model offered continuity, encouragement, connection, and joy with a combination of in-person and virtual meetings to maintain momentum and be responsive to each program’s unique context. This collaborative spirit cultivated a movement of champion educators across Southern Oregon committed to creating asset-based and playful learning experiences.

2023-2024 Host Sites

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The Children's Museum of Southern Oregon

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Williams Community Preschool

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Imagine That Creative Children's Center LLC

Program Participants

Teachers from Imagine That Creative Children’s Center llc explore capabilities of children through a paper experience at a TPP professional development session in Grants Pass. 

Over 30 Cohort participants gather for discussion after a site visit at The Children’s Museum of Southern Oregon in Medford.

An invitation for students in Amanda’s classroom, The Ivy School at Griffin Creek Elementary in Medford, Oregon.

Being able to see the classrooms and speak to the teachers. This was wonderful! It changed the way I look at my classroom and students.

Cohort Participant

These events were beautifully done and so practically applicable. It’s fun to see these practices in person and be inspired and/or encouraged that we’re moving in the right direction.

Cohort Particpant

I appreciated getting the opportunity to experience so much wonder.

Cohort Participant

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Interested in joining us for Round 2?

What is Asset-Based Playful Inquiry?

Asset-based Playful Inquiry Approaches integrates the following to form rich practice: 1) the most recent knowledge about play and human development from brain and neuroscience research, 2) the immense capacity of young children to learn through the arts and sciences during this unique stage of their lives, and 3) the importance of cultivating a responsive collaborative community of learners who find joy in making meaning of their world.

If you want to learn more, visit our Resource Library:

Generously funded by:

The John and Ginger Niemeyer Foundation


The James F. & Marion L. Miller Foundation