What is the story of your child’s name?

What is the story of your child’s name?

What is the story of your child’s name?

Engaging the family as valued community members

“Parents as Partners” is a common descriptor used when schools mention the role of parents, caretakers and guardians. Too often the implications of this descriptor are not realized in practice. How might the idea of authentic partnership find a home within the everyday life of the classroom?  How do we communicate to parents, guardians and caregivers that they are valued community members of the classroom and of the school? How might we create ways for them to be full participants in the education of their children? These are challenging questions that we try to revisit often because there are no easy answers and every year can present distinct challenges.  Below is the story of how one teacher made an effort to address these questions.


What is the story of your child’s name?

(excerpt from The Field Guide, Chp. 2)

written by Laura Czarniecki, former Shaver Teaching Preschool teacher