Habits of Mind

Habits of Mind: Focusing Attention

Habits of Mind: Focusing Attention

First Experience with Tempera Paint

First Experience with Tempera Paint

Playful Inquiry in the Early Years: Field Guide

Playful Inquiry in the Early Years: Field Guide

Playful Inquiry in the Early Years A Field Guide for Creating Inclusive, Inquisitive and Collaborative School Communities that Learn Together Teaching Preschool Partners is pleased…Read More.
Introducing Partner Explore

Introducing Partner Explore

Introducing Partner Explore (excerpt from the Field Guide Chp.5) Partner Explore is a workshop approach that focuses directly on creating a community of learners by…Read More.
Observation Capture

Observation Capture

OBSERVATION CAPTURE This simple ‘app’ allows teachers to use a mobile device to capture evidence of children’s demonstrations of the habits of mind.  Observation Capture…Read More.