Lauren Adams

Lauren Adams
(she, her, hers)
Field Consultant
As a studio artist and early childhood teacher, Lauren Adams came to Teaching Preschool Partners after working at Opal School for over 10 years. Lauren taught for many years among other dynamic teaching and learning communities and holds both a BFA in Ceramics and Sculpture from Kansas City Art Institute and a Masters in Early Childhood Education from Hunter College in NY.
While at Opal School, Lauren expanded her own concepts of what being present and intentional mean. She was particularly reflective about what listening in relationship can offer to her life and practice. Provoked by Opal’s approach of playful inquiry, Lauren is dedicated to furthering her understanding of the rich relationships possible between children, the arts, and inquiry within the laboratory for democratic life, the studio-classroom. Her research at Opal concentrated on the potential that beauty and materials have in supporting children in pursuit of developing their innate gifts of play, curiosity, engagement and making sense of their place among things. She revels in dialog with other educators determined to inspire change as she works with the team at TPP!