Publications and Tools

Starting with Loose Parts

Starting with Loose Parts

What is possible at the light table?

What is possible at the light table?

Environments for Playful Inquiry: Where do I start?

Environments for Playful Inquiry: Where do I start?

Environments for Playful Inquiry: Where do I start?   Is a guide that originated in response to questions TPP received from…Read More.
What Can This Material Do?

What Can This Material Do?

FROM THE OPAL ARCHIVE: This tool comes from the Inspiring Inventiveness collection of Principles, Practices, and Tools developed by Opal School teacher…Read More.
Suggest your own playful inquiry resources

Suggest your own playful inquiry resources

We’ve curated a collection of resources from our Teaching Preschools, Opal School and other curious minds for you to explore.…Read More.