Teacher Research

Suggest your own playful inquiry resources

Suggest your own playful inquiry resources

Your Image of the Child

Your Image of the Child

Going to Materials

Going to Materials

FROM THE OPAL ARCHIVE: 01/2017 – Written by Opal School teacher researcher Hannah Chandler One day recently, 4-year old Eliza was busy with an array…Read More.
Observation Capture

Observation Capture

OBSERVATION CAPTURE This simple ‘app’ allows teachers to use a mobile device to capture evidence of children’s demonstrations of the habits of mind.  Observation Capture…Read More.
What is a Teacher-Researcher, Anyway?

What is a Teacher-Researcher, Anyway?

FROM THE OPAL ARCHIVE: 10/2017 – Written by Opal School teacher researcher Hannah Chandler The teacher is the chief learner in the classroom. Donald Graves…Read More.