Equity and Inclusion

Exploring Portraiture with Young Children

Exploring Portraiture with Young Children

Family School Connection Vital to Belonging

Family School Connection Vital to Belonging

Honoring Children’s Stories: Making Himbasha Together

Honoring Children’s Stories: Making Himbasha Together

Written By Belle Chesler, TPP Studio Coach and Gabi Bizari TPP Playful Inquiry School Partner When we take the time to slow down and really…Read More.
What is the story of your child’s name?

What is the story of your child’s name?

Engaging the family as valued community members “Parents as Partners” is a common descriptor used when schools mention the role of parents, caretakers and guardians.…Read More.
What is participation?

What is participation?

Recently at Teaching Preschool Partners, we’ve been exploring the question:  What is participation?  In part, this question has provoked our thinking because there are so…Read More.