
Habits of Mind: Connections

Habits of Mind: Connections

Exploring Color

Exploring Color

First Experience with Tempera Paint

First Experience with Tempera Paint

First Experience with Tempera Paint (excerpt from The Field Guide, Chp. 3) written by Melinda Hayward, former Prescott Teaching Preschool teacher and Carolyn Potts, Studio…Read More.
Suggested Classroom Materials List

Suggested Classroom Materials List

We often go into schools and conduct workshops where people ask us where we get all of the interesting art materials we use. We’ve prepared…Read More.
Using Potter’s Clay with Young Children

Using Potter’s Clay with Young Children

  For young children the sensory world is a source of satisfaction, and imagination is the source of exploratory delight. And, it is these inclinations…Read More.
Oil Based Clay

Oil Based Clay

Preparing an invitation to explore a new material is like setting a table- a table of possibilities.  Taking the time to make the organization of…Read More.
Playful Inquiry in the Early Years: Field Guide

Playful Inquiry in the Early Years: Field Guide

Playful Inquiry in the Early Years A Field Guide for Creating Inclusive, Inquisitive and Collaborative School Communities that Learn Together Teaching Preschool Partners is pleased…Read More.